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Softcell Technologies Ltd.
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303 B-Wing, Commercial-1 Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Kurla (W)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400070
Softcell Technologies Ltd.
Shrinivas Patankar
303 B-Wing, Commercial-1 Kohinoor City, Kirol Road, Kurla (W)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400070
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Ayurvedic concept of total health. Dr Raj kumar has been recognized as one of the most competent ayurvedic professional of India and international repute with multidimensional experience of Assisstant Director- Dayanad Ayurvedic College, Principal, Dayanand Ayurvedic college, Jalandhar. Ayurved recognizes the presence of three basic constituents which govern and represent the varied mechanisms at the micro and macro levels in the body.
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